Category: Season 02


“Praise the Elders, you have finally arrived.” Chief Wizard Horticus was a mess, even more of a mess than when the duo had last seen him. His normally well-kept beard was untidy, his eyes...

Human Farm

The morning siren blared through the stables and the robots approached the humans, who were sleeping on the ground among the mud and excretions, and started whipping them to wake them up. The naked,...

Eternity Beyond Vacillations

In the beginning, there was nothing. No, that’s not right, SHE was always there, let me start over. In the beginning, I was nothing. Creation for us, isn’t like what you lot go through....

A Destiny Fulfilled

He was destined to protect the realms of Grayla by forsaking his place in the new world.

Quarantine Blues

The siren’s sharp high-pitched trill jolted Kabir upright. He frantically reached for the switch to turn it off, his heart paced wildly. They were sensitive to loud noises, Looking around, he was dismayed to...

Cutting It Close

The metro is never late – except for today. Time is running out, shelter and safety still too far away.

A Cut-throat business

Nazo ran through the sliding door, whipped off her burqa, and took the screw-driver to her face.  “The bloody strike had to happen today”, she muttered to herself while unscrewing her Bio-eye-mask.  It was...

The Skin Dilemma

Kinza watched the Neo-Karachi skyline from the roof of the warehouse. She did not like the name Neo-Karachi, because it made the mess of a city sound sophisticated. She could barely see the skyline...

The Serpent’s Daughter

Her feet stammered for a moment as she stood on the threshold of her mother’s hut. Binti had walked this ground many times, it’s soft well trodden earth known to her as well as...